
Abcom IPBox 250
Stran 3 od 5

Avtor:  pucman [ Po Feb 25, 2008 7:06 ]
Naslov prispevka: 

Oprosti, sem bil proč od tehnike, pogledam zvečer.

Avtor:  fatmir [ To Feb 26, 2008 14:53 ]
Naslov prispevka: 

Ne rati mi naložit gemini, uporabljam dreamUP 1320 ali 1321(null modem kabl). Ne vzpostavi komunikacije.... A je potrebno prej kaj nastavit v sprejemniku.
Uspelo mi je naložiti original gemini in SifTeam1.8.6-200 za ipboxa, od dm500s pa mi ne uspe.
Pucman, kako si naložil z dreamUp Gemini 420 original od dreamboxa500s.

Avtor:  pucman [ Sr Feb 27, 2008 7:29 ]
Naslov prispevka: 

Nalagal sem 3.60. :oops:
Ti niso poslali z IHADA žalostinko, kako bodo blokirali nalaganje Geminija na boxe, ki niso z DMM-ja?

With the release of the GP 4.3, we have added a feature to the Blue panel to detect fake Dreambox clones. We want to show our protest against clones and replicas of Dreamboxes. It cannot be in our interest, to allow the fake boxes to hard the big dreambox community and in fact our beloved hobby.
Like some of you should know, some weeks ago a new box came to the market. It’s sold as a completely new development.
But if you check that box exactly, you will soon find out that not only the same images, software and drivers were used, but also the nearly identical hardware, such as for example in the Dreambox DM500. According to some owners of this new box, it is being shipped and sold with a preinstalled Gemini Image, which is not in our interest. Even in the manufacturers forum, Gemini images where posted with a warning “runs only on Box XYZ”.

We as a Dreambox board and Developer of the Gemini Images can’t tolerate this trend. It is not in our interest that our know-how, our knowledge of the Dreamboxes, and our time is used by a third party manufactorer to sell his copies with our software

In fact, the truth is that these manufactorers are themselves not able to provide a self developed image for their receivers.

The Blue Panel server is operated, managed and financed by private funds. Also the support we offer for the Gemini images and the genuine Dreamboxes is exploited by the fake clone developers and owners.

We can not prevent these people from using the Gemini images, but what we can do is making it as hard as possible for these people to gain money with our work. Therefore, we implemented in the images that are also running on the boxes described above a lock for the BluePanel server. The detection mechanism, whether it is a replica or a Dreambox, has been activated in the current DM500 release. Other Box types will follow. If a box is identified as a non-genuine clone of a Dreambox, the access to the BluePanel is locked.
Since this method of detection is still very new, it could unfortunately occur that even genuine boxes are identified as fakes and as a consequence the BluePanel would be locked also on original Dreamboxes. In the meantime, there are some known problems where repaired boxes can’t by recognized as genuine due to the replaced hardware parts. We will do everything the reduce the number of false identifications but nevertheless we cannot decrease the error rate to zero, as the necessary data from DMM is not available. If your Box is falsely identified as a fake box, please understand that we do this in order to maintain the Dreambox community.

We ask all users of our images to do everything possible to ensure that our hobby can live on and we will fight together against such unfair methods. We as developers want our Gemini images only to run on Dreamboxes...

The IHAD/Gemini Team

Avtor:  fatmir [ Če Feb 28, 2008 22:58 ]
Naslov prispevka: 

Je že ven gemini 4.3.1, zgleda, da so bili pritiski preveliki, tako da deluje tudi na klonih.
Sem naložil na ipboxa gemini 4.2.0 z flashtools narejen za ipboxa, kot sem ugotovil tudi ne moreš preko blue panela upgarade napravit recimo za kateri koli original dreamboxov gemini (čeprav vidiš preko blue panela recimo današnji gemini 4.3.1 in ga tudi downloada, potem pa se ustavi, normalno downloada skins, emu in keys, kar se tiče image pa verjetno samo posebej narejen za ipbox).
Imam problem z CCcam emu 2.08 slika vsakih 20s zmrzuje, verjetno ima premalo memory.
Zanima me za CS, kako bi stvar delovala s tem sprejemnikom, morem dobit nekje navodila kako instalirat gboxa v var itd., ker pač ima kolega zasedene porta 21 in 23, pa mi kolega ne more konfigurirat na daljavo, oziroma a je možno pobrat iz drugega sprejemnika nastavitve za cs in jih dati v ipboxa.

Avtor:  pucman [ Pe Feb 29, 2008 7:02 ]
Naslov prispevka: 

V lokalni mreži(med več IPboxi in Dreami c* lepo deluje, vendar preizkušeno le z CCcam 1.7.1.Ko me mine lenoba, bom poskusil z kakšno višjo verzijo CCcama.

Avtor:  fatmir [ So Mar 01, 2008 9:52 ]
Naslov prispevka: 

Pucman, kako da imam zasedenost kar 20.6M frej pa samo 1.2M, imam naložen gemini ipbox 420(8M) in settings listo.
Addons size check /var Free: 1.3M used 33%. Za normalno delovanje more bit frej vsaj 1.5M da ne blokira, jaz nimam pa še emu naloženga in ključe.

Avtor:  pucman [ So Mar 01, 2008 11:25 ]
Naslov prispevka: 

Jaz imam še manj prostega (1.1M), pa mi nič ne blokira.Vse dela normalno, vključno z odpiranjem Pr****re in Po***a.

Avtor:  fatmir [ So Mar 01, 2008 16:58 ]
Naslov prispevka: 

Naložil sem še emu Cccam 2.0.5 vsakih deset 10 sekund zmrzuje slika, z evocamd 217 pa deluje v redu. Zdaj moram probat še cs.
Sedaj imam placa še več kot prej 2.5M, nevem v čem je fora. Ko nisem imel ničesar sem imel 1M, sedaj imam pa kar 2.5M.
Edino kar ne morem potegnt je emu Cccam 2.0.8 pravi da imam small disk.

Avtor:  fatmir [ So Mar 08, 2008 17:36 ]
Naslov prispevka: 

V kratkem bo izšel gemin 4.3.1 za ipboxa 200s.

Avtor:  fatmir [ Po Mar 17, 2008 17:24 ]
Naslov prispevka: 

Evo še nekaj za ipboxa....

Installed memory is 32
drivers eat up 8 megs so yout have 24 available for the operating system
kernel eats up: about 2 megs so you get 22 megs free...
all the ram availalbe is used in file system cache.. free reports less than 1 meg, memory from filesystem cache is freeed when needed.

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